Angola In Africa – Marcolino Mocco

Angola In Africa – Marcolino Mocco


Título:Angola In Africa
Autor: Marcolino Mocco
Editora: Perfil Criativo – Edições
Idioma: Inglẽs
Género: História
Números Páginas: 100

Availability: Esgotado


Angola In Africa – Marcolino Mocco

Angola In Africa – Marcolino Mocco

Nation-state or political-ethnicity state?

Moreover, globalism, the global economic and financial crisis governed by unknown centres of power, or known but without a legal status, lead Westerners to discuss whether the State as we know it is still an instrument capable of governing, with justice and equity, all cultures who finally speak freely about their values, goals, and future, for the first time in the history of humankind.
Nevertheless, these cultures are still too often incapable of putting the power of words above the words of the power. This is one of the goals of the present book, written in the body of thought, let my people pass.

In Adriano Moreira (President of the Institute of Higher Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon Emeritus Professor of the Technical)






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